Simple test could predict premature birth

Expert Advice 02 Mar 22 By

New research reveals promising results

A brand new study shared in Scientific Reports on March 1, 2022, has revealed that a simple cheek swab of both the parents-to-be may indicate the likelihood of giving birth prematurely.

Given variables of each and every pregnancy, a baby’s due date can never be set in stone. It’s common for first babies to be late, and for subsequent labours to be faster than the first, but that special date has a two-week window either side.

Babies born prematurely – before week 37 – may face short- and long-term health issues such as seizures, vision and hearing issues, and cardiovascular problems, and it’s a concern for most parents-to-be.

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Mums who give birth prematurely are 2.5 times more likely to suffer PND.

In ‘high-risk’ pregnancies, such as carrying multiples or if the mum-to-be has high blood pressure, pre-term labour and birth are strong possibilities.

Giving birth and having a baby whisked away to NICU is tremendously stressful – for mums in particular – and can negatively impact their mental health. According to Miracle Babies Foundation, mums of premmies are 2.5 times more likely to suffer from post-natal depression.

The study entitled ‘Preterm birth buccal cell epigenetic biomarkers to facilitate preventative medicine’ shared findings that could help prepare parents for an early arrival and, importantly, everything medically possible can be done to delay the birth.

A group of 40 mother-father-child ‘triads’ were given cheek swabs soon after the babies were born, to look for biomarkers in common. Nineteen of the mums gave birth prematurely, while 21 births went to full-term.

Researchers discovered that 100 of these indicators – the signature – was found in the mums, dads and preterm baby girls, but not in the male preterm babies.

It’s thought that the findings might go on to show that giving birth premature can be handed down the generations, and with that knowledge the parents can prepare or preventative medicine can support the pregnancy as long as safely possible.

In the paper, scientists found that mothers of preterm newborns had significantly different epigenetic indicators (see below) than mothers of full-term babies.

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If a cheek swabs test can be established, parents can be prepared and medical help can be preventative, not reactive.

What are epigenetics?

Epigenetics are the biological variables and processes that influence how genes function. Epigenetic alterations can be caused by factors like toxicant exposure, poor nutrition and alcohol use, can be inherited regardless of DNA sequence. If an epigenetic change is found in both sperm and ovum, it will be found in every cell of the baby’s body, even their cheek cells.

While the test is a long way off, the possibility of creating a first trimester indicator that’s a strong predictor of premature birth could be life-changing.

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