More Bluey water toys for the bath and pool have dropped “for real life…”

Parenting News 13 Apr 21 By

Aqua fun, Bluey-style!

We can’t get enough of this family of Blue Heelers on our television screens and now we can bring Bluey and Bingo into the outdoors for some fun in the sun.

The first release of the Bluey x Wahu has pool toys designed for kids of all ages, such as swim rings, goggles, kickboards and floaties dropped late 2020, but now there’s even more fun for Bluey fans thanks to the outdoor experts at Anaconda who have unveiled their brand new range of bath and pool toys, featuring Australia’s favourite pup.

Bluey is the number one children’s program in Australia and the most watched show on ABC iview of all time. The animated series follows the adventures of an imaginative six-year-old Blue Heeler, Bluey, who lives with her Mum, Dad and little sister, Bingo. Like many families, both parents work and share in caring for theirchildren, including playing together.

Andrew Lee, Managing Director of Goliath Group Australia & New Zealand (WAHU), says, “Bluey has deeply endeared itself to this generation of children and their parents, with heartfelt reminders of the importance of play for kids’ health, wellbeingand development. We’re all about playing outdoors at WAHU and teaming up with Bluey to bring joyful play opportunities to families is very exciting for us.

“Bluey celebrates the Australian childhood, including summer days spent near the water, whether that’s the beach, the creek or the pool. Our collaboration embraces that celebration and brings it to life,” he says.


Pool time this summer just got a lot more fun. Wackadoo!

Bluey is about the joyful simplicity that can be found in family life, showcasing how children learn and grow through play and from the Baby and Me Float through to body boards for playing in the surf, there is something for little one and big kids too.

Check out some of the awesome Bluey x Wahu range of products below and then head to the Bluey Shop for more details.

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