Try the Chinese gender prediction calendar to determine the sex of your baby

Being Pregnant 12 Feb 20 By

Can an ancient Chinese manuscript really predict your baby's sex?

You may not believe in horoscopes or fortune cookies, but sometimes these things have an uncanny way of working. Have you ever looked at a Chinese gender prediction calendar? This Chinese birth chart is said to be able to predict the sex of your baby.

According to legend, the original Chinese gender prediction manuscript was buried in a royal tomb in China over 700 years ago. You can now find it on display at the Beijing Institute of Science or, to save you the trip, we’ve added it in below.

The chart is very simple to use, all you have to do is cross-reference your age (at conception) with your month of conception and the chart will tell you if you’re expecting a boy or a girl. We can’t guarantee it’ll work, but it’s supposed to be 93 percent accurate.

Of course, if you’re looking for something more technologically accurate, you should probably stick to what you see at your scan. But where’s the fun in that?

Chinese sex prediction chart

How to use the Chinese gender prediction calendar

Pick the month of conception from the column on the left then follow it along to the column that corresponds with the age you were when you fell pregnant. As you’d expect, a blue square means a boy, a pink square means a girl.

If you have already had a baby, check to see if the prediction chart was correct for you.

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