Nootropics: How ‘smart drugs’ are helping with ‘pandemic brain fog’

Health 08 Mar 22 By

‘Smart drugs’ or cognitive enhancers are a hot topic right now.

Many Australians have noticed a change in cognitive function over the past 12 months. Dubbed as ‘pandemic brain fog’ by media around the world and while not an official condition, there have been many reports of people feeling more distracted, unable to focus and feeling more easily overwhelmed than usual.

Ryan Morgan, a registered psychologist and specialist in cognitive performance at Yootropics and BIOV8, explains everything you should consider when contemplating taking nootropics, otherwise known as brain supplements or multivitamins for the brain.

What are nootropics?

Nootropics refer to a group of drugs and supplements that aim to improve cognitive functions in healthy individuals. Nootropics work through various mechanisms in the brain, by increasing neurotransmitter release or modulating the release; modulating transmitter receptor sites; modulating neurotransmitter enzymes; influencing neuroinflammation in the brain; reducing oxidative stress, and acting as precursors to various neurotransmitters.

What is a nootropic stack?

A nootropic stack is simply a combination of nootropics packaged together, typically in a capsule or tablet. A stack is a customised selection of nootropics that are tailored to enhance cognitive domains of the highest importance. These may be alertness, speed of recall, creativity, processing speed or a combination of these.

Scientific evidence that shows nootropics improve mental alertness and cognitive performance, support focus and energy levels, enhance learning ability, memory recall and increase attention span. They also have been scientifically proven to reduce cognitive fatigue, reduce free radicals formed in the body and enhance how the body adapts to stress.

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Ryan Morgan is a registered psychologist and specialist in cognitive performance at Yootropics and BIOV8.

What are the most popular nootropics?

Caffeine and nicotine are the most common nootropics, which are readily available and consumed by many Australians on a daily basis. As psychoactive stimulants, they switch on short-term or acute alertness, which is why caffeine is the drug of choice for many to kickstart their day. However, too much caffeine can lead to short and long term issues including addiction, jitters and mood crashes.

This is why the design team for Yootropics Brain left these off the ingredients list, and are the first stimulant-free nootropics to be listed by the TGA in Australia.

Yootropics Brain is the first universal and non-stimulant nootropic to be listed by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia and is the result of extensive research by dedicated medical experts with a deep knowledge of cognitive functionality. Their unique formulation targets multi pathways of the brain and is scientifically proven to support energy levels, maintain focus and mental recall.

(Image: Supplied)

Brain is currently the only high-quality nootropic, that’s free from stimulants such as caffeine, to be listed by the TGA in Australia.

While there are other nootropics available in Australia, many of these use misleading, poor quality or ‘filler’ ingredients that only target one or two brain pathways, if any.

Yootropics Brain is a synergistic blend of 12 nootropics in one dose that work across multiple pathways, which means it’s considered to be ‘whole-brain’ or ‘universal’.

Fortunately, the leaps and bounds in research around the intricacies of the brain have led to an evolution in the research into nootropics. Today, we have access to well-researched nootropics, such as BacoMind (Bacopa Monnireri whole-plant extract), to deliver both short-term and longer-term cognitive benefits, packaged in a single, convenient dose.

Furthermore, these various nootropics are now perfectly blended in a signal daily capsule to optimise your cognitive performance across all stages of your life, without the short and long term setbacks.

(Image: Getty)

‘Smart drugs’ or cognitive enhancers are a hot topic right now.

What are the differences between nootropics categorised as ‘food’ versus ‘listed medicines’ in Australia?

A supplement can be classified as either a food or medicine by law in Australia. More recently, the Australian market has been flooded with food and drink nootropics. However, this does not mean they are necessarily effective as they do not go under the same level of compliance and scrutiny as required when registered as a listed medicine.

By law in Australia, in order to be able to make therapeutic claims, such as improving memory and focus, you need to be classified and listed as a therapeutic good by the TGA. Goods that have been listed with the TGA will have an AUST L number on the front label.

Nootropics with an AUST L number can make permitted therapeutic claims, as they are supported by deep clinical research and are approved by the TGA. Products without this AUST L number can’t make any claims of therapeutic nature. Claims may include the following, improves memory, enhances recall and maintain mental focus.

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