Aussie mum’s hack for healing mouth ulcers with a common pantry ingredient goes viral

Health 30 May 23 By

Is this the most Aussie thing you have ever seen?

Aussie blogger and mum-of-four, Mel Watts has shared a unique hack for treating mouth ulcers, which she claims gets rid of them overnight, and you probably have the solution in your pantry.

Vegemite. Yep. Mel, who lives on the NSW Central Coast, says she spreads the salty concoction on her recurring mouth ulcers and says it’s a hack that “everyone should use”.

(Image: Instagram)

“Got an ulcer? No problem mate get some Vegemite on it and she’ll be right!”

Around 20 per cent of people get recurrent mouth ulcers. These are known as aphthous ulcers and in most cases are harmless. Read more about that below.

Thirty-five-year-old Mel, shared video to her 250k+ fans showing herself applying a spoonful of Vegemite to her mouth ulcer before vigorously rubbing it into the area for a few seconds.

“Surely you guys did this too?” she asked. “Got an ulcer? No problem mate get some Vegemite on it and she’ll be right!”

(Image: Instagram)


“This one was done growing up to help do something with it,” she continued. “I don’t know what but it always helped the ulcer pain. Stings like a MOFO but you also get a spoonful of Vegemite so winning! ”

And if you’re thinking that it would sting, you’re right!

Eventually Mel licks off the Vegemite after feeling the intense stinging sensation offered by her salty solution, claiming that the ulcer “should be gone by tomorrow”.

(Image: Instagram)

NSW mum of four, Mel Watts shares her life with her adoring followers.

Turns out the hack was not so unique, with plenty of commenters jumping in to have their say on this Aussie hack.

“I do this too and DAMN it hurts,” one commenter exclaimed.

“Omg this is our family! We always did it! God it stings but the melting Vegemite was always a win! My daughter said it to our GP one day and he thought it was weird,” said another.

One commenter from the UK said her family used salt too. “I’m in the UK and my family have always put salt on them 🤣 stings, but works!”

Treating mouth ulcers

According to the government’s Health Direct website, in most cases, mouth ulcers are harmless and usually clear up on their own after a couple of weeks. However, if your mouth sores last longer than this, it may be a sign of a more serious problem.

Mouth ulcers can be caused or triggered by:

  • stress, anxiety or hormonal changes
  • any injury or damage to the mouth, such as from sharp teeth, dentures, or braces
  • a reaction to certain foods, drugs or toothpastes
  • some infections and diseases, like coeliac disease
  • certain medications and medical treatments
  • vitamin deficiencies

See your GP if you think you might have an ulcer related to a mouth infection.

Also, see your GP if your child develops severe mouth ulcers with symptoms of general illness like:

  • weight loss, stomach pain, unexplained fevers
  • blood or mucus in their stool (poo)
  • neck stiffness and tiredness
  • ulcers around the anus

This may indicate conditions such as coeliac disease and inflammatory bowel disease.

It’s also important to see your doctor or dentist for a mouth ulcer that lasts longer than three weeks and keeps coming back.

Although most mouth ulcers are harmless, a long-lasting mouth ulcer is sometimes a sign of mouth cancer. It’s best to get it checked.

Treating mouth ulcers:

  • Try not to touch the sore area. Not only will this disturb the healing process but it could also cause an infection to spread. If you do need to touch the area, make sure you wash your hands before and after.
  • Use a soft toothbrush to clean your teeth. If your sores are so painful that you can’t brush your teeth, use a mouthwash containing chlorhexidine instead. This should be available from your local pharmacy and some supermarkets. Avoid using mouthwashes that contain alcohol.
  • Salt water may help. Mix one teaspoon of salt into a cup of water, then take a mouthful of the liquid and hold it in your mouth so it covers the affected area for two minutes, then spit it out. Do not swallow it. Repeat four times a day.
  • Eat soft foods.
  • Avoid overly hot or spicy foods and drinks. Drinking cool water can help to ease a painful mouth.
  • If your mouth is really sore, drinking through a straw can help. If you are in pain, get advice from your healthcare professional or a chemist on pain relief medicines you can take.

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