5 commons skin issues in pregnancy and motherhood PLUS how to treat them

Expert Advice 16 May 22 By

Your baby has peachy skin – and you can too!

Growing a baby takes a lot of physical and emotional effort and the body undergoes numerous changes, many that we’re acutely aware of and many that are less obvious to the naked eye.

When you’re pregnant or postpartum and your hormones are going wild, one of the things that can take a battering is your skin and you might break out in hormonal acne, develop stretch marks on your body or dark patches (hyperpigmentation) on your face. Not to mention irritated skin, rashes and skin tags!

Nature plays her part in your skin health and while there are natural options to consider, there are also excellent minor, clinic-based procedures that can get your complexion back to its best. Clear Skincare has been helping Australians and New Zealanders since 1999 and their tagline sums it up well: “With your best skin, you are free to be your best you”.

Scroll down to see the five most common skin issues pregnant women and mums face, plus how to treat them.

Clear Skincare

Hormonal acne can be quite upsetting to live with but there are options for treatment.

Hormonal acne

Ranging from blackheads through to cystic acne, hormonal acne shows up in different ways and as well impacting how you look and in turn how you feel about yourself, acne can also be painful. Bumps or lesions on your face can become red, inflamed and sore.

Hormonal acne can also occur on the neck, shoulders, back and chest and, if left untreated, even moderate acne can cause scarring. You can talk to your doctor about specific things that might help you, depending on your life stage etc.

How to treat hormonal acne

Different treatment options work for different types of breakouts and vary from daily skin cleansing, birth control and changes in diet to topical creams and skin peels.

Clear Skincare Clinics recommend a salicylic skin peel to help give your skin the love it needs. A peel of this kind gives a gentle yet deeply nourishing exfoliation that stimulates cell renewal and collagen production.


This handy little tool can work wonders at fading stretch marks.

Stretch marks

One of the long-lasting reminders of pregnancy, the ‘tracks of your journey’ can be extremely demoralising and have a negative impact on postpartum self-esteem. There are a number of excellent stretch marks oils and creams that aim to nourish and moisturise the skin and reduce the chance of your skin stretching.

However, a combination of factors such as the degree of stress on your skin, genetics and the hormone cortisol – which reduces the skin’s natural elasticity – mean that much of it comes down to Mother Nature.

How to treat stretch marks

If you gain stretch marks before or during your pregnancy, there is some evidence to support that specific products can reduce their appearance, which can be purple and angry-looking.

Micro needling is one such option and it has been clinically proven to fade the look of stretch marks. You can do this at home with an intensive skin roller that can stimulate the natural wound healing response to infill stretch marks and scarring. The needles create tiny holes that better allow nourishing oils and creams to be absorbed.


Laser treatment breaks the pigment down into fragments.

Hyperpigmentation or melasma

Whether or not you live in sunny climes, you may find that dark patches of pigmentation – hyperpigmentation or melasma – appear on your cheeks and cheekbones, and on your hands as your pregnancy progresses. These are generally caused by sun damage but can appear or worsen during pregnancy as your hormones change.

They may appear to fade in the cooler, winter months, but can reappear with a vengeance once summer comes around again. A solid reason to wear sunblock and hat year-round, but even more so when pregnant.

How to treat hyperpigmentation or melasma

Avoiding the sun is ideal – but very hard in Australia – but as hormones are also at play, it’s not a guarantee that you won’t get hyperpigmentation. You may find that the dark patches fade over time however, laser pigmentation removal is a great winter treatment choice as it breaks the pigment down into fragments that get drawn to the surface and fade away. Yes, you’ll still be exposed to the sun but – depending on where you live – you’re less likely to be in the harsh sun as much. If you opt for this, you can rest assured that Clear Skincare Clinics uses medical-grade tech and treatments to ensure you have the best care and results.


Laser treatment can help correct and reduce rosacea flare-ups.

Skin tags and moles

As your body grows and changes during pregnancy, you may find you develop skin tags and moles on your face and neck. The culprit? Once again… hormones. Tags can also grow in areas where the skin rubs together and are usually harmless – although you might find they develop on areas such as your neck and ‘burn’ when you’re drying your hair!

How to treat skin tags and moles

If moles or skin tags make you feel bad about your appearance or cause irritation or discomfort, you can have them removed. Many skin tags can be removed in one single appointment at a professional skin clinic like Clear Skincare, which has more than 20 years’ experience in this area.

Rashes and red cheeks

If your skin is breaking out in rashes or if you suffer from redness such as rosacea, pesky hormones can make it worse, so of course, pregnancy can be a time of flare-ups. Rosacea causes blushing and flushing as the blood vessels in the face become visible and the skin can become inflamed.

How to treat rosacea

If rosacea is a problem for you, having red, bumpy cheeks can be frustrating and covering up with makeup isn’t always a workable option, nor is it always kind to the skin. Laser treatment such as Laser Redless Treatment can help correct and reduce the flare-ups. This kind of procedure gives improved texture and can leave your skin calmer, more even toned and looking more youthful.

Brought to you by Clear Skincare Clinics


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